Criminal Defense Attorneys for Sex Crimes
The United States Constitution – and those of all 50 states – guarantees certain protections to those accused of serious crimes. They include the right to:
- Due process
- Confront all accusers
- A vigorous defense
- Not self-incriminate or remain silent
In no situation are these rights more important than in major felony cases involving sexual-related charges.
The legal team at Capovilla & Williams unapologetically stands for the rights of the accused, and we’ve been doing so for a long time. We do this type of work because we strongly believe that the only way to sustain a fair system of justice is to give those charged with serious crimes the best opportunity for a just and positive result in their case. We’ve also seen dozens of false accusations over the years, and the tremendously negative impact they have on a person’s freedom, career, personal relationships with family and friends, and reputation. If you’ve been accused a crime involving sexual conduct, you absolutely need the best legal defense available.
Exceptional Experience in Sexual Crime Defense
The entire team at Capovilla & Williams has extensive experience in high-stakes cases involving a wide variety of sex crimes. This includes not only our attorneys, but our investigators and support staff as well. In short, our team is comprised of skilled and experienced pros in cases alleging:
- Sexual assault
- Rape
- Internet sex crimes
- Indecent exposure
- Prostitution and solicitation
- Child pornography
- Sodomy and aggravated sodomy
- Indecent or surreptitious recording
- Sexual extortion
- Public indecency
- Voyeurism
- Statutory rape and Romeo and Juliet laws
What We Can Do to Help You
There are several things that must happen as part of any effective defense to allegations involving sexual conduct. First, there must a be a plan that both sets forth the actions that will be taken at every phase of the proceedings, and also is ready for the unexpected. Second, there must be an incredibly thorough investigation into the facts of the case. This includes talking with every witness, examining and evaluating any physical evidence, and exposing any motive the accuser may have to fabricate the incident or misconstrue the true nature of the interaction. Last, there must be excellent communication between our team and you regarding all options for obtaining a successful outcome in the case.
If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges for sexual assault, rape, child pornography, or another related crime, contact our office today at 404-496-7674. We represent clients in Georgia state courts as well military courts across the United States and overseas. And remember, all information you provide to us is completely confidential, even if you choose not to hire our law firm.